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Welcome to Cambodia!

The people flooded the streets. Like a river finding the quickest way down a mountain, the tuk tuks and mopeds filled any gap found, swerving through the traffic, winding their way through town. Many vehicles used the sidewalk as a way to move around cars as well. Though the road was divided with lines, they acted as decoration rather than a way to provide order. At any moment, I could’ve reached out the window of our tuk tuk and touched another vehicle passing by. My mind traveled back home and thought of the time spent at Siverwood, a theme park. I heard the brief instructions the park gives before a ride but with a change in vocabulary; “Welcome to Cambodia! This is a high intensity attraction. Please keep all limbs inside the vehicle at all times. Thank you, and enjoy the ride.” Whole Families would fly by on a moped; father in front and mother in back, an infant draped in her arms, and two kids shimmed in-between them. The baby on the mother’s hip, not even tied onto her, stared at the passing people. She appeared to not be startled one bit.

Every few blocks I stumbled upon a market filled with shops and carts, shacks and booths. There were women lost within layers of clothing and others surrounded by baskets full of fish. I found myself overwhelmed with the busyness and chaotic streets but somehow in a place of deep appreciation. I am immersed into this beautiful culture and am falling in love with the people and their behaviors that define it.

As I walked through the streets, I squeezed past some people. Out of politeness I said “excuse me,” even though it was of little value due to language barriers and lack of space. A man looked up to see who had spoken and, with a big grin, chuckled, “oh Coconut,” and points to me. My group broke into laughter and deemed me to adopt this new nickname “Coconut.”

Cambodia has been so welcoming and eye opening. I can’t wait to see how the Lord will reveal Himself to the people of this country. I am so blessed to be a part of the Lord’s calling and be able to share my experiences with all of you back home.

Thank you all for your love and support!

With love,

5 responses to “Welcome to Cambodia!”

  1. You brought us there with your words. Thank you! We’re praying for you and the team, Coconut. Also, amen to the Lord revealing Himself!

  2. I am trying to imagine the smells of the market – that was what stood out to me in the markets I visited in Southeast Asia. Thank you for taking us along with you, through your writing! ??